Monday, July 18, 2011

Summer Recap

WOW! It's already the last half of July! Where has this summer gone?! It's been a while since we've recapped on here, but the office has just been crazy with all of our check in/check outs. This year, we were at 100% capacity from the weekend of July 2-9! What an amazing 4th of July/Blue Angels week we had! In case you missed it, below are videos showing the fireworks from 4th of July and just a little taste of the amazing air show our very own Blue Angels put on this year!

The beach has been booming. The good news is the summer isn't over yet! We still have exciting things coming up out here to see and do! If you're still making plans to hang out on the beach, view the Visitor's Information Center calendar here. Every Tuesday is our favorite hang out, Bands on the Beach! Any Pensacola local or summer guest knows how much fun those can be! We're going to drag out every last second of summer we can, and hope you are too!